DC Blocker

Say no to DC

Russ Andrews Accessories is introducing a new DC blocker to remove DC on the mains that can be detrimental to hifi systems and their audio reproduction.

Russ’s approach aims to tackle the problems DC on the mains causes for linear power supplies, especially ones with larger toroidal transformers (common in integrated and power amplifiers, as they have a very low resistance to DC).

Russ Andrews DC Blocker with cable

Russ’s DC Blocker is an in-line type with parallel filters that do not have a detrimental effect on sound quality.

Featuring extra-wide, double layer tracks on its circuit board made from 4oz pure copper, its internal components include Kimber Kaps for additional smoothing, two large 10,000uF capacitors, Kimber Kable TCX internal wiring, high-current Vishay diodes for DC blocking (up to 1.5V) and a non-resonant/non-ferrous ABS case.

Offered with a 60-day money-back guarantee and 25 year warranty, find out more at Russ Andrews Accessories.


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