Kudos Simao Drive feature

Take a drive

Kudos Audio has today released its revolutionary new Sigao Drive external crossover.

Described as neither traditionally active nor truly passive, it has no power supply and is designed to be situated between pre and power amps within the audio signal chain, instead of between power amp and speakers.

Kudos Simao Drive front on

This, says Kudos, allows the power amp to have greater grip and control of a speaker’s drive units by direct connection, while removing noise, distortion and unnecessary components that traditional and active crossovers can bring.

Being unpowered means Kudos’s crossover has no active electronics or power supply which can add their inherent character to the sound.

Kudos Sigao Drive

Its design was aided by Naim Audio’s Technical Director Roy George, working with the Kudos team and comes housed in a carefully selected mass enclosure to control resonance, that’s machined from a solid billet of aluminium that also help shield its internals.

Its four PCB layout is decoupled from the enclosure using a purpose-designed PCB mechanical decoupling system, while polystyrene dielectric capacitors are the order of the day for the crossover filters, which Kudos Audio considers to be the best sounding.

Sigao Drive costs £6,500, find out more at kudosaudio.com.


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