Naim Nait 50

50 shades of Naim

Celebrating 50 years of Naim Audio, the brand has announced its next flurry of classic  models.

The new 300 Series above its recently announced 200 range with models including the NSS 333 streamer (£7,900), NAC 332 pre-amplifier (£7,900), NAP 350 monoblock power amplifier (£12,000), NVC TT phono stage (£2,699) and NPX TT power supply (£2,699).

Naim 300 series

Both the NSS 333 streamer and NAC 332 pre-amplifier can be further enhanced through adding an NPX 300 power supply, introduced alongside the 200 Series.

See specs and more details at

Naim Nait 50 rear panel

Another release that will get the Naimerati fired up is the new Nait 50 limited edition stereo amp, marking Naim’s 50th anniversary. Based on the iconic Nait 1 amp of decades ago and complete in shoebox-sized chrome bumpered box, the amp is brought bang up to date with the brand’s latest tech. Limited to a fitting 1973 units, the Nait 50 costs £2,699. Find out more.


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