McIntosh preamps

Valve or solid?

US amplifier experts McIntosh is launching, two new preamplifiers to delight transistor and tube fans alike.

The C55 builds on the C53 model and is described as a next generation solid state design, featuring no less than 16 inputs spread over nine analogue (including for turntables via adjustable phono settings) and seven digital connections feeding an internal DAC.

McIntosh C55

Armed with the same inputs, the C2800 is a tube based alternative for the same £11,995 price tag.

Both amps include McIntosh’s High Drive headphone amplifier outputs with Headphone Crossfeed Director (HXD) tech alongside R-core power transformers and Roon compatibility.

McIntosh 2800

Visit McIntosh Labs and Fine Sounds in the UK to find out more.


Mac stack


Decade in the making