Andrew Simpson

Andrew Simpson

Andrew has written for some of the UK’s biggest hifi titles and launched many on social media. With a career in digital and a passion for hifi, Audiograde was borne out of Andrew’s vision for a digital first website for the audio fans of today.

Memorable kit: 

My first pair of speakers were budget Heybrooks, hooked up via cheap bellwire to a 1970’s Rotel amp. Hearing Automatic For The People as a young teenager changed my view of what music could sound like, kickstarting my journey into better sound.

Dali Epikore 11 from distance

Dali Epikore 11 loudspeaker review

Penultimate flagship floorstander that’s built on four decades of experience.

Bristol 2024 feature image

Bristol 2024 show report

Our Editor heads south for a weekend of hifi fun.

Goldring Ethos

Golding Ethos Moving-Coil cartridge review

Flagship pick-up from venerable cartridge brand.

VPI Avenger Direct

VPI Avenger Direct turntable review

Hi-end turntable from New Jersey’s finest with a direct drive twist.

ATC SCM100PSL loudspeaker review

Large standmounts packed with pro pedigree.

Chord Table Top Hugo range

Chord Electronics’ Hugo Table Top range review

Petite sized performers, packed with cutting edge tech.

Audiograde hifi stand side on

How to make a heavy duty hifi stand

Our editor rolls up his sleeves at Audiograde HQ.

Bowers & Wilkins Px8 in Royal Burgundy

Bowers & Wilkins Px8 headphones review

Flagship over ear headphone that sound as good as they look.

Musical Fidelity PRE and PAS

Musical Fidelity Nu-Vista PRE and PAS amplifiers review

Uncompromising pre and power amps given a new lease of life.

PMC prodigy1 feature image

PMC prodigy1 loudspeaker review

Standmount speaker with studio pedigree at an affordable price.

Russ Andrews Evolution-300 and X Block 8

Russ Andrews X8 Block and Evolution-300 PowerKord review

Mains distribution block and power cable to enhance any system.

Vertere DG-1S feature image

Vertere DG-1S Sabre turntable package and Phono-1 MKII L preamp review

Analogue package that shows vinyl’s future is bright.

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