Karma-AV is introducing In-akustik’s cutting edge Reference LS-404 Micro Air speaker cables to the UK. ‘Micro Air’ is an approach that aims to minimise a cable’s typical physical filter effects, by using air as a dielectric to insulate its concentric copper conductors, which are helically arranged. A thin layer of polyethylene then protects the pure copper from oxidation.
The news Reference LS-404 Micro Air uses eight concentric copper conductors in a multicore arrangement that allows the magnetic fields of the positive and negative conductors to overlap and neutralise each other, reducing the cable’s inductance.
The Reference LS-404 Micro Air can be specified with rhodium coated BFA banana plugs or spade connectors, there’s also an easy-plug version.
Prices and lengths
LS-404 Micro Air with easy plugs in a single wire at 2 x 3m costs £770
LS-404 Micro Air with easy plugs in a single bi-wire at 2 x 3m costs £790
LS-404 Micro Air with banana plugs in a single wire at 2 x 3m costs £860
LS-404 Micro Air with banana plugs in a single bi-wire at 2 x 3m costs £950
LS-404 Micro Air in a single wire at 2 x 3m costs £900
LS-404 Micro Air with spade plugs in a single bi-wire at 2 x 3m costs £1,000
Find out more at in-Akustik.de